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Vlčie Sirupy

Snina 067 67 - View map

Our syrups come from the Vlčie hory - Wolf Mountains - a piece of natural paradise in the middle of the Poloniny National Park. The name of the mountains was given by wild beasts, which lived here in large numbers as early as the 16th century. And we have used it for our products VLČIE as well. We were fascinated by the unspoilt nature of these places, which have so far remained untouched by human hands.

Award-winning products

VLCIE - wild thyme - honeydew herb syrup

Vlcie syrup / Grapefruit - Basil

Vlcie syrup / Strawberry - Jasmin

VLCIE - Berry cordial

VLCIE - Cinnamon and turmeric syrup

Nochino Ruby - Bitter and sweet

Vlcie syrup / Gooseberries + Chamomile

Vlcie syrup / Mango - Black tea

Vlcie syrup / Lychee - Rose

Balance Red aperitif wine

Balance Rose aperitif wine

Vlcie syrup / Mate tea + Lemongrass

Browse winning products