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Producer details

Ovocinár Hrehor s.r.o.

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A small family run winery making rare fruit wines, vinegars and syrups from their own fruit produce. Out niche vinegars are 'living' - unpasteurised, without any preservatives or additives. Ovocinár Hrehor put great emphasis on the quality of the fruit they use which must be well ripened and washed.

Award-winning products

chokeberry fruit wine "Stibor zo Stiboríc a Beckova" vintage 2021

fermented apple vinegar "live"

ovocné víno Z čiernych ríbezlí a josty "Letná noc"

ocot Jahodový

ovocný ocot Jablkový s kvetom bazy čiernej

Marhuľové "Hrad Beckov" r. 2020

Z rebarbory "reBarbora" r.2020

Z rebarbory, "Pre Barboru", r. 2020

Z čerešní a višní "Štedrý večer" r. 2020

Šípkové "Maria Theresia" ľadové barrique medium r. 2015

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