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Quantity to send

Updated: January 2025

Please do not send your products before you have received your delivery instructions.

Use the following information as a guideline for the quantity to send. Ensure the product code label (downloaded from your MyGuild account) is affixed to each individual product.

All products must be labelled with a BEST BEFORE or USE BY date and ALLERGENS must be clearly marked.

Biscuits/muffins/crumpets/shortbread ONE family-sized retail pack or THREE individual samples or portions
Bread ONE retail-sized sample or THREE individual rolls
Cakes/pastries ONE whole cake/family-sized retail pack or THREE individual samples
or portions
Pies/quiches/sausage rolls etc. ONE family-sized retail pack or THREE individually wrapped samples
Sweet or savoury puddings ONE family-sized retail pack or TWO individually wrapped samples or portions

Ham/salami/cured meats/smoked meats TWO retail samples, pre-sliced
Smoked fish/cooked or hot roasted fish TWO retail samples
Smoked shellfish & seafood TWO retail samples
Terrines/patés (meat & fish) TWO retail samples

Butter TWO retail samples
Cheese ONE 500g piece (unless necessary to send whole cheese)
Milks TWO x 500-1000ml bottles/cartons
Yoghurt/cream TWO retail samples (500ml or smaller)

Chocolate 12 individual chocolates or TWO bars
Confectionery 12 individual pieces or TWO bars
Ice cream/gelato ONE retail tub only up to 1/2 litre or FOUR 100ML (approx.) tubs. NO catering packs
Sorbet ONE retail tub only up to 1/2 litre or FOUR 100ML (approx.) tubs. NO catering packs

Alternative lattes & cold brew infusions ONE retail box/tin to make approx. 6 CUPS minimum
Beer/lager/cider/perry/mead (inc. No/lo) THREE x 330ml or 500ml bottles/cans (or equivalent)
Coffee inc. Capsules & pods ONE sample pack to make approx. 6 CUPS minimum
Hard seltzers (inc. No/lo) THREE x 250-350ml bottles/cans (or equivalent)
Matcha/chai/infusions ONE retail box/tin to make approx. 6 CUPS minimum
Pre-mixed cocktails ONE bottle (500ml is sufficient, max size:750ml) or THREE x 250-330ml
cans (or equivalent)
Soft drinks inc. Fruit/vegetable juices ONE bottle (500ml is sufficient, max. size 750ml) or THREE x 250-330ml cans (or equivalent)
Tea bags & loose tea ONE retail box/tin to make approx. 6 CUPS minimum
Wine/spirits/liqueurs (inc. No/lo) ONE bottle (375-500ml is sufficient, max size: 750ml)

Bacon/sausages TWO retail packs (smallest size available)
Black & white pudding/faggots/burgers/haggis THREE retail samples
Joint of meat/whole fish ONE large joint, bird or fish ONLY. Up to maximum weight of 3kgs
Meat or fish steaks/chops THREE retail samples
Oysters TWENTY-FOUR samples

Prepared dishes TWO retail samples
Ready meals TWO retail samples
Soups TWO retail samples

Cereals/porridge/granola/muesli TWO retail samples
Condiments/sauces/jams/preserves TWO retail samples
Crisps/biscuits/popcorn ONE family-sized retail pack or THREE individually wrapped samples
or portions
Eggs TWELVE eggs
Honey/honeycomb TWO retail samples
Hot sauces TWO bottles/tins (smallest size available)
Jars/packets/bottles/tins TWO retail samples
Marinades, rubs & spices (dry & wet) TWO retail samples
Oils/vinegars/dressings TWO bottles/tins (smallest size available)
Pickles/chutneys/relishes TWO retail samples
Pre-made stocks, sauces & broths TWO retail samples
Salt/pepper/herbs/spices/pollen/extracts TWO retail samples